A poster for you

Here is a link a downloadable poster that you can print on letter-size paper, and put up in your locality: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B3iuIfRkjF1nX1lzbXFiSG9rTUU

It is styled after a traditional eye-chart, and looks like this:

Let us know if you are interested in contributing to a mass printing of these in large-poster format. A print run of 1000 would cost about $880. You can also order large-poster prints from Vistaprint.com for $9.73 each.

To our knowledge, there is not yet a public service media campaign to let people know about the startling announcement from the International Energy Agency in November of 2011 -- that we have 5 years (4 years, now) to change course globally with our energy policies, or so much new infrastructure for burning fossil fuels will have been built that we will be committed to irreversible climate change.

You can read about that announcement in the Guardian newspaper.

Clearly, this is a very important message to get out to as many people as possible. Help us convey the urgent time-frame by printing out some posters and putting them up today!

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We welcome comments that are substantive and don't make ad hominem attacks. Please write!