Follow Up Gathering in Chicago Tomorrow, 11/29

We are sponsoring a free gathering following up on Bill McKibben's appearance with the "Do the Math" tour this evening in Chicago. Come discuss what did and did not get said at tonight's presentation, and look at what other strategies besides divestment we can call on to take fossil fuels out of the driver's seat of our economy and society.

Some questions we will discuss:

Is it still even possible to limit global temperature increase to +2º C?

What time-frame do we have in which to act? Is it 15 years? 8 years? 4 years?

How steeply do we really need to cut greenhouse gas emissions if we're actually going to stay under a +2º C temperature rise?

We will be meeting at:

Uncommon Ground (on Clark)

3800 North Clark Street, Chicago

6 - 8 pm

We look forward to meeting more of our regional climate activists, hearing your perspective on this unique moment in Earth's history, and discussing what we're going to do about it. Please call us at (281) 235-7601 if you plan on attending, as space is limited.  Alternately, please call:  541-942-8473

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